This is one of a kind story in the Bible. I remember the first time I read it, I had many questions. When I got the concept of what was going on at the time, then I understood how great of a faith this woman had. (Matthew 15: 21-28 NIV)
This woman showed undeniable faith not only by believing that Jesus could heal her daughter but did not let pride stop her from the blessing.
First, let us understand this situation for a moment. In Mark 7, we read that Jesus was trying to stay away from the crowd not wanting anyone to know where he was. That woman found a way to meet him though. She fell at his feet asking for healing for her daughter who was possessed by an impure spirit.
Now, that next part!!!! Jesus’ response was “it is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the drugs.” Her response: “Even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.” Then Jesus told her: “Woman, you have great faith: Your request is granted.”(Matthew 15: 28)
I don’t know if you noticed how Jesus replied to the woman. It was tough. Now, how many of us would have just stopped right here? Some people would have let their pride win and would have moved on. This woman replied in desperate faith. She put her pride on the side and persevered. This leads me to this question: Could it be sometimes our pride gets in the middle of our deliverance?
In Mark 7, it says in verse 30 that she went home and found her daughter healed. Now, wait a minute! Her daughter was home the whole time. She had so much faith, she did not even bother bringing her child to Jesus. She knew who Jesus was.
This woman’s perseverance is one to admire and to take notes from. She had desperate faith. She was willing to put her pride aside and to focus on what she knew only Jesus could do for her. The Bible says if we have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea’ and it will obey you(Luke 17:6). Faith is what moves God. I love the part that says when she got home, she found her child healed. This shows that she believes so much in Jesus, she already knew all it takes is one word from him to heal her child wherever she was. She believed in the omniscience of Jesus. She knew Jesus was limitless and all-powerful even though she was considered to be an outsider. This is the power of desperate faith.
She did not take no for an answer. She pressed on and did not take offense to how she was addressed. She was so desperate that she believed even the crumbs would suffice her. Let me finish by asking this question: What is in your life that needs to be uprooted and requires you to let your pride go and to have a desperate faith? Wherever you are, I pray that God gives you a faith that is unshakeable just like this woman.